Today was a cold, sunny day, and I was feeling something warm for lunch, so I pulled out some mozzarella cheese and the last of the cheddar in our cheese drawer, 2 slices of Dutch crunch bread, 2 slices of sourdough rye, and olive oil. I sliced the the mozzarella and cheddar thinnly, and dipped the bread into the olive oil, coating one side only. I then placed one piece of each bread type onto the forman grill (oil side down), layered the cheeses onto the bread, then topped it with the other bread (oil side up), and closed the grill. I took the cooking time to take a black twig apple out of the fridge and peeled and sliced it. When the cheeses had melted and the bread was browned, I took the sandwiches out of the grill to slice them and serve them. Delish!
Since my sister and Milo were feeling sick again today, and had called me in sick with themselves, I took today to catch up on some work that I have been neglecting. I cut the tulle for 6 tutus, and tied three of them during nap time. We played outside for a while as well today, taking advantage of the sun and lack of rain today to run! After an hour outside, this mama was exhausted from running around after the twins and trying to keep them from running both into the lack and into the parking lots. So inside we went for a little quite reading time and picking up of the house, specifically the toys the twins had spread out around the house.
As it was now time to start cooking dinner, I turned the oven to 350 and pulled the red potatoes (about 6 small-medium) out of the fridge and shred them into a bowl. I then pulled out the Black Butte cheese (a spring grass milk aged for at least one year cheese, that has a sharp bite but a very sweet finish) from the cheese drawer and finely shred some onto the potatoes, enough to just cover the potatoes. I added 1 good pinch of black pepper, then stirred up the potatoes in the bowl. I found my favorite small casserole dish and covered the bottom and about one inch of the sides with the potatoes, stuck the crust into the oven to bake for 20 minutes. I then shred about 1/3 cup of the cheese into the freshly cleaned bowl, grabbed 3 white satin carrots from fridge, peeled and shred them on top of the cheese. I took a medium white onion, and finely chopped it until I hit only green and added that to the bowl as well. (I saved the greens for another day.) Then I cracked and scrambled 5 large eggs, and added 3 serving spoonfuls of plain yogurt, then mixed the bowl with a large pinch of oregano, and a large pinch of himalayan pink sea salt. When the 20 minutes was up, which incidentally was exactly when I finished preparing the mix, I added the egg mix to the casserole dish and stuck it back into the oven for 35 minutes, checking to make sure the eggs had cooked all the way. This provided just enough for each of us, and everyone enjoyed it thoroughly (with the addition of some Pepper Plant for the hubs).
We try to eat at least 3 of our dinners in a week as vegetarian or fish meals, because it saves our pockets, our bodies, and our planet. Our pockets because we prefer to eat food that we know has been grown in a sustainable and ethical manner, which tends to be more expensive. Our bodies because it cuts down on the amount of dietary cholesterol we consume and increases the amount of vegetables we eat every week. And our planet because animals take more resources to raise and produce more waste than plant crops do. I am so very thankful that we have the option to eat a meat-light lifestyle. It makes me feel better about our consumption and helps me to pass on the sort of lifestyle we wish to show our children. It helps me to feel better.
And with that I wish you a very happy "Meatless Monday!" Nos Pars.
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