Today started out very bad with two toddlers who were incredibly needy and runny-nosed. I had a sore throat and just was feeling terrible. Ray went into work and as soon as he could see that he wasn't needed he came right home and allowed me to take a little nap, a few pills, and a wonderfully hot shower with a peppermint effervescent aromatherapy tablet. After another nap at noontime and a few more ibuprofen, I felt pretty dang good to go! So to work we went, and it being Monday, it was my night to cook dinner for our families and I must do it meatless for my sister's family!
First I cut the butternut squash into quarters and peeled about 8 cloves of garlic and boiled them all for about 2 1/2 hours in plain water. After the flesh was soft I put 6 cups of the water I boiled them in aside and drained the squash and allowed them to cool to the touch. I then scooped all the flesh off the skins and put it into the now empty pot. I added back the garlic and mashed it well. I added 1 pint of plain soy creamer (and sometimes I blend this with a chunk of wet tofu) and 3 tablespoons of curry seasoning. Then I added about a teaspoon of red Hawaiian sea salt and stirred the soup until it was well blended. I take the 6 cups of boiled water and add it back to the soup until it reaches the right consistency (never actually the whole six cups, but more like 3 or 4). I place the soup back onto low-medium heat to warm up again.
Then I took 4 small-medium tomatoes and cut them into thin wegdes. A large red bell pepper I chopped into 1/4 inch pieces, and shredded the radashio finely. Then I took a bunch of mint and loosely chopped just the leaves, then added about a cup of raw sunflower seeds. I left now to go to my class and the boys (Gavin and Ray) sliced the bread, and washed and chopped the lettuce.
As I sit snarfing down my food, post workout, the twins are being whiny and everyone else is watching something that appears to be supremely hilarious. I have a mini cannoli sitting next to me waiting and a warm feeling that I know will be a delicious soreness in my arms tomorrow, and I am so very glad to be able to eat this delicous food and work out vigorously in order that I may enjoy it for many years to come! Nos pars!
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