Today started out fairly bad again, with everyone in one big bed again after screaming fit and coughing and running noses all night long. I once again had a pounding headache, a sore throat, and to boot, my arms were beyond sore precisely where I had worked them out the night before! Figures! Ray gave the twins a quick breakie while I laid in bed bemoaning the world and all its inhabitants, especially whatever it was that had put me in this state. So once again, as soon as I could I loaded up on Claratin-D, ibuprofen and peppermint tea!
Ray came home at lunch to eat and gave me just a little more time to get ready for the day. I quickly got ready (bless those Aura Casia people and their aromatherapy shower fizzers!) and rushed the now crying twins out the door. In my haste, I evidently forgot to lock our door (nothing taken, whew!). As soon as we pulled onto the road the sweet sounds of toddler snoring began in the backseat! I drove straight to hell and comfort: McDonald's. I ordered two cheeseburger, two plain cheeseburgers, and a LARGE caramel mocha, please. And yes my order IS correct on the screen, thank you. I pull around the corner to park and eat my delicious comfort to ease my pain, and there are only two plain cheeseburgers in my bag. I whip around, and carefully try to keep the sleepers sleeping as I take them INTO the restaurant. I get my two cheeseburgers, put my gigglers back in their seats, distribute the plain cheeseburgers and proceeded to cry in the parking lot, right into my caramel mocha.
As soon as I got to my sister's, I felt so much better! My head had finally stopped pounding, and the soreness in my throat had become bearable. My neck still ached, but repeated lane changes had stretched the muscles out very nicely indeed. Milo was a true gem today, being silly and sweet on the walk home, wonderfully cooperative in getting snacks for himself and the twins, and doing his homework with out even a pout! And the twins, they only caused mild distruction today, and played ever so nicely with each other, even laughing histerically together at Ana's ability to produce snot bubbles on command!
Needless to say, when I got home (after having picked up some goodies at the mail room!!!!), I was ready for some good old fashioned comfort food with my hubs. I put the big pot full of water on to boil and the steamer all set up. First I cut the rough ends off the asparagus, then cut them in half so they'd fit into the steamer. Setting them on to steam, I de-tailed the shrimp them threw them into a frying pan with a little olive oil and some finely chopped garlic (about 6 cloves). I sauteed them until the garlic became soft and slightly translucent. Then I added a whole box of cream cheese (I am seriously trying to rid myself of these!) As I stirred, Ray shredded some parmegianno into the pan, because cheese is just that good! The water in the big pot was boiling so I added the thick spaghetti noodles to the water and set the timer for 8 minutes. As soon as the timer went off, I drained the noodles and threw everything into the pot together! Nummers!
I feel so much more relaxed now, with the twins lotion-jammied-milked-storied and in bed, listening to my husband giggle from our bedroom and the neighbors walk around upstairs. I will be downing a nice BIG glass of OJ before heading to bed early, because I do not need another morning like this. So to you all, good night, sleep tight and do NOT let the bed bugs bite! Nos pars.
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